Escape Off-Grid With This Smart Self-Sustainable Mobile Micro Home


Here’s a civilized idea for getting away from civilization…or for hunkering down right in your own backyard. Escape off-grid (or not) with Ecocapsule, an egg-shaped smart, self-sustainable mobile micro home powered by high-efficiency solar panels and a wind turbine.Read More…

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Author: TrueCorp

Hello, I'm very much interested in marketing and I Am trying achieve something on my own to affiliate marketing by creating a series of transparent, simplified buyers guides and product review sites. In my spare time I maintain an independent music blog for a number of years. I have been writing for over ten years which consists of reports and reviews. All my views are my personal opinion. All my writing is being publically released though my review website and crosses a multitude of genres. We welcome you to join me and share rewarding times together whether it be in the capacity of fun, inspiration, educational or anything for that matter.